About institution
International Clinical Research Centre of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno (FNUSA-ICRC) is a new generation science and research centre focusing on finding new methods, technologies and medicaments for effective prevention, early diagnostics and individualized treatment of cardiovascular and neurological diseases. These are among the most widespread diseases in the modern society.
For more info visit www.fnusa-icrc.org
Contribution to stroke research
ICRC-STROKE with the Director of Stroke Research Program at St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno Prof. Robert Mikulík is the initiator of the stroke research cluster and often a starter of new projects and ideas. The research program interconnects experienced professionals from various research and clinical areas of human and veterinary medicine and young talented scientists from other research institutions, holds regular meetings and keeps the collaboration in progress. It is the last link in the chain before the results of previous exploring are implemented into practice and applied into patient treatment.
Who's In?
Motivated and enthusiastic professionals with the goal to perform meaningful research that impacts people’s life.
Robert Mikulík
Robert Mikulík is a Professor of Neurology and the Director of Stroke Research Program at St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno. For more than 20 years his research activites are focusing on stroke. He is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the quality of care and leads a comprehensive projects to improve stroke management. In 2017, he was awarded the Spirit of Excellence award for his long-standing and successful activities in the organization of stroke care and treatment at national and international level.
Peter Scheer
Peter is a postdoctoral researcher with the main interest in translational research and development of animal models. His expertise is an experimental surgery in mammals and in vivo imaging techniques. Top of interest is cardiovascular diseases especially brain stroke, myocardial infarct and circulatory failure.
Jana Hložková
Jana is a postdoctoral researcher with the main research interest in translational research in animal models (rats and rabbits). Top of interest is study of cardiovascular diseases on animal models and rodent anesthesia.
Jana Doležalová
Jana is a medical writer supporting the publishing activity and helps with preparing the material to conferences. The top of her interest is acute ischemic stroke and improvements in treatment implemented into clinical practice.
Eliška Brhelová
Eliška is a Ph.D. student at the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department of Pharmacy Faculty, Masaryk University and a member of the Stroke Research Group at FNUSA-ICRC. Her expertise is based on animal surgery, and image data processing of animal models.
Ahmet Davut Aksu
Davut is a Ph.D. student at the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department of Pharmacy Faculty, Masaryk University and a member of the Stroke Research Group at FNUSA-ICRC. He focuses on microfluoroscopic visualization of thrombolysis and measurement of artificial clots degradation in vivo.